guessing skills

Forbes Business Council Publishes Guessing Skills Article

From Doubt To Direction: Seven Strategies To Help Leaders Make Confident Business Decisions

Should we embrace guessing as a valuable tool for decision-making in business? Without a doubt, the answer is yes.

Relying on guesswork to make decisions is not something they necessarily teach in business school; however, the ability to do so confidently is increasingly important. This latest publication, written by PathGuide’s Eric Allais, covers the seven strategies that can help leaders navigate uncertainty in the corporate world while still making confident business decisions.

Did you know that great leadership is often defined by an ability to make informed guesses? Consider Steve Jobs. His leadership skills allowed him to do just that – and all he did was introduce new products and technologies that completely changed the way we live, work and play. While Jobs’ foresight is legendary and rare, all leaders have something to learn from his ability to create such a predominant technology company.

Intuition plays a critical role in the “when in doubt, guess” approach. If you’re a leader who is not as risk-averse as Steve Jobs was, try leaning on the seven strategies in this article to help navigate uncertainty in the corporate world while still making confident business decisions by enhancing your guessing skills.