5 Questions with Isaac Ostrom

5 Questions with Isaac Ostrom, Senior Software Engineer

We’re excited to launch a new series on the blog where we sit down with PathGuide employees and ask questions to learn more about their work, their advice for others interested in a similar career path, as well as who they turn to within the company for guidance or inspiration. We hope you’ll enjoy learning more about the people behind our solutions for today’s most pressing supply, logistics and distribution challenges.

To kick things off, we sat down with Isaac Ostrom, a Senior Software Engineer who joined PathGuide in 2015. He’s passionate about creating solutions to challenging problems involving computer software and networking systems. Learn more about Isaac through these questions and answers and his role at PathGuide below:

Thinking back, what attracted you to the job you were hired to do at PathGuide?

What attracted me to PathGuide is I liked the idea of working for an employee-owned and operated business where my contributions would make a more significant impact than working for a large corporation.

What work or projects are you most proud of and why?

I’m proud of the work I completed for the Wire Cutting Module because the feedback I received from the client confirmed the enhancement to our Latitude WMS drastically improved the efficiency of their wire cutting process at multiple locations.

What advice would you offer someone who is interested in a similar career path?

I’d suggest that those interested in software development at PathGuide obtain a bachelor’s degree in computer science and learn SQL, VB.NET, C#, ASPX, JavaScript, XML, and HTML.

What excites you most about your role today?

I enjoy the work I do that involves controlling hardware like vertical lifts, carousels and conveyors. It can be exciting to write code that automates equipment, which improves our clients’ overall production performance.

Who do you turn to for advice, guidance or inspiration within PathGuide?

When I need advice or guidance, I reach out to my manager, Greg Laycock (PathGuide’s Vice President, Research & Development), who is an excellent resource and extremely knowledgeable in the warehouse industry.

Thanks, Isaac, for taking the time to share a bit about your experience at PathGuide with us. Want to read about other employees of PathGuide? Be sure to keep an eye out for our next installment in the weeks ahead.